Internet slang words develop from common phrases that users simplify to be able to type faster (Shorthand). However, in games, new game players may try to emulate this, and unintentionally emphasize their own lack of knowledge through misuse of the terms and poor spelling. As a result, several internet slang abbreviations and spellings are most often used ironically. Players may use intentionally poor grammar and an excessive amount of leet (also written as 1337) speak to ridicule or satirize new players. An example would be "pwned" (owned) or "il ttyl, but that was funny 2 where i had 2 lmfao". "ttyl" stands for "talk to you later".[...]
Computer and Internet Slang.....3
Leet Vocabulary8
Additional Material
When the Geeks Get Snide by MICHIKO KAKUTANI
Dumas, Bethany K. and Lighter, Jonathan (1978) "Is Slang a Word for Linguists?" American Speech 53 (5): 14-15.
Croft, William (2000) Explaining Language Change: An Evolutionary Approach. Harlow: Longman: 75-6.
English (#12, 2004) Slang: 27.
The Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 20, Slang: 765-770.
ваются однокоренные слова, ему приходится перевести архаичное слово не столь архаичным, а старомодную конструкцию - более современной (бывает и наоборот), однако переводчик всегда может компенсировать
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аживанию академических связей на международном уровне, оживлению в сфере научно-исследовательской деятельности.Итак, современному исследователю необходимо:быть социально компетентным,обладать рядом не
uestion, they would probable decide not to answer in terms of a definite list of values. The reason for this decision is itself one American value individualism.They believe that every individual is