Actuality research. The inhabitants of the Scottish Highlands were originally of Celtic descent, and a small number of them still speak Gaelic, an ancient Celtic language which is now being encouraged once again in schools. In the southern part of the nation, the people are descended from ancient Scots with liberal inputs by Nordic influences and a bit of Anglo-Saxon. The Scots have been stereotyped as being thrifty, cautious, and careful of detail. They are far from being all alike, however. Scotland is a country in which individualism flourishes. This rich mix explains, in part, why Scots have been responsible for more of the significant discoveries and inventions we take for granted in today\'s world than any other nationality. Most church-going Scots belong to the national Church of Scotland, which is Presbyterian. The congregation of each kirk (church) chooses its own minister after a trial sermon, and every member of the church has some share in governing it. In general, sermon and prayer occupy a larger place in the church service than ritual and music. The Roman Catholic church has many members, especially in the Greater Glasgow area where there are many people descended from Irish immigrants. The Episcopal church of Scotland resembles the Church of England but is an independent body.
ther early version of advertising was personified by the city herald. The "Golden Age" of Ancient Greece saw people with heralds who went along the streets of Athens, proclaiming sales of slaves, catt
untries child labour is considered the form of operation and is recognised by illegal. In the past child labour was widespread, but after occurrence and a recognition of concepts of safety of work and
толерантность, уважение к другим народам, их культуре, религии невозможно без наличия соответствующей системы обучения, направленной на достижение этих целей. В системе обучения английскому языку куль
itutional monarchies, in which the monarch\'s rights stem from tradition or constitutional law and are limited to certain tasks. These are primarily ceremonial or symbolic, sometimes with some mystica
аны в дальнейших лингвистических исследованиях.Цель и задачи исследования предопределили следующую структуру работы: данная работа включает в себя введение, пять разделов, заключение, список использов