Билеты и ответы на них по Английскому языку на 2002 год
| Категория реферата: Топики по английскому языку
| Теги реферата: сочинения по русскому языку, скачать бесплатный реферат без регистрации
| Добавил(а) на сайт: Мулахметова.
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Government restrictions – правительственные ограничения
Subject matter - тема
Government bureaucrats – государственные чиновники
Owe – быть обязанным
Preceding – предшествующий
Patron saint – покровитель
Negative portrayal – отрицательное изображение
Provincial gentry – провинциальное дворянство
Human rights
In November 1960 the American people elected Senator John F. Kennedy to the
Presidency. Kennedy defeated by a narrow margin his Republican opponent,
Vice President Richard Nixon. The two youthful presidential candidates
highlighted their campaigns by appearing on television in a serious of
debates - Nixon emphasized the experience he had gained during his eight
years in the administration and reminding voters of the «peace and
prosperity» achieved under Republican leadership, and Kennedy calling for
new, forward-looking leadership and more effective use of the country's
human and economic resources.
Almost everything about the new President caught the imagination of the people, and his Inauguration was no exception. In his. eloquent address the President set the tone of youthful energy and dedication that was the mark of his administration. Kennedy said: «Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans, born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined" by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed... Let every nation know that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty.» But the address was not merely a call to battle but an invitation to peace as well. «Let us never negotiate out of fear,» said the President, «but let us never fear to negotiate. Co-operation is better than conflict; let us then substitute co-operation for conflict. Let both sides explore what problems unite us... Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors. Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease.»
The first President to be born in the twentieth century, and the
youngest ever to be elected to the presidency, Kennedy was not only
spokesman for a new generation, but symbol as well. He brought to the
presidency an alert intelligence, immense personal charm, a warm and
generous humanitarianism, but also a lively awareness of the immense
potentialities of presidential leadership. Indeed, his Cabinet and his
White House advisers made up the youngest group of top-level officials in
the country's history -a group notable for its openness to new ideas and
its readiness to take vigour actions.
Narrow margin – небольшое преимущество
Highlight – освещать
Inauguration - инаугурация
Eloquent - красноречивый
Heritage - наследие
Burden - бремя
Hardship – неприятности
Substitute - заменить
Awareness – осведомленность, информированность
Immense – огромный
Vigour - решительные
Take actions – принимать действия
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