Classical Wrestling
| Категория реферата: Топики по английскому языку
| Теги реферата: банк бесплатных рефератов, классификация реферат
| Добавил(а) на сайт: Самуйлов.
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There were different moments in the history of classical wrestling. It
was famous and not. But in all times there were men, who didn’t let this
kind of sport disappear between them Aslanbek Hamurov, Emzar Karalidze and
Vladimir Uruimagov are mainly due to his efforts recently this kind of
sports has got the increasing popularity. For a long time in our republic
was only one school, which was headed by Robert Gouchmazov.
Today specialists talk about young Osetian "bogatyrs” such as Nart
Camakaev, Denis Forov, Anzor Totrov, Valery Cuckuev and Hasan Baroev, became twice Russian champion and world champion in young category of 97kg.
In this weight Vladimir Uruimagov became an USSR champion, and now he
trains Hasan. Became Alexander Dulaev, Rastislav Budtuev, became Russian
winners, and now it is Hasan's turn. At the age of 17 he became a master of
sport in ass at Greece-Roman wrestling style. In 2001 Hasan changed weight
category for l20 kg. In this category Alexander Karelin won his coevals in
Russia and in the world, and in 2002 he won Denis Forov who won European
competition. In 2003 Hasan won Rulon Gardner, who won Alexander Karelin on
Olympic Games.
The next “congress” of the best wrestlers in our planet took place in
the suburb of French capital in Kretey. There were more people that in the
last years, as the price of the Olympic wins became higher. It’s
interesting that the gold medals went to five countries. And only Russia
has two the valuablest rounds. The world proud to our country, brought
Hasan Boroev and Aleksey Glushkov. But unfortunately team has the second
place. It’s strange that in four categories our wrestlers have no place in
Olympic Games. Hasan Baroev the youngest world champion in the history of
wrestlering .Paris was beautiful in that night. Our coaches were walking on
its street and exulted – we had the first golden medal. Hasan Boroev
brought it to us; Hasan became 21 an the 1st of December. In sprite of bad
results on the Europe championship, the main coach of our team took Hasan
on the world championship. And Hasan won. He went to these medals a tank.
But he collided with the wall at the 1/8 of the final this wall was Rulon
Gardner. That, wrestlers won Aleksandr Karelin on Olympic Games. But it’s
not all; in 2001 he became a world. Champion before the match Gardner said
that Hasan has a good technique, but he was sure that he’ll win. Hasan won
3:0 and this is all. Then Hasan easily won rivals one after one. The last
match was the hardest and he won it 3:1. Hasan Boroev is a disciple of
Vladimir Uruimagov, his another wrestler Denis Forov became a world
champion in his age category in Turkey, and Vladislav Kokoev had a bronze
medal. In his interview to magazine “Classical Wrestling” Hasan said that
he had been born in Dushanbe, but when he had been nine, his family had
gone to Vladicavkas. And there in 1997 he met Vladimir Borisovich Uruimagov
his family isn’t small – three sisters, fathers Mahar, mother Raisa and
Vladimir Borisovich, they are very, friendly. Vladimir is with three years
ago thanks to president of Moscow “Torpedo” Aleksey Kim, Hasan began to
life in Moscow. And in national team Hasan train many famous coaches.
Скачали данный реферат: Трушевский, Красоткин, Баландин, Anisim, Пряхин, Яценко, Karimov, Бобр.
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