Концепт «Дружба» в английском языковом пространстве
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| Теги реферата: решебник по математике 5, новые сочинения
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Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1913 года (http://humanities.uchicago.) предлагает следующее определение:
Friendship, n. :
1. The state of being friends; friendly relation, or attachment, to a person, or between persons; affection arising from mutual esteem and good will; friendliness; amity; good will;
2. Kindly aid; help; assistance;
3. Aptness to unite; conformity; affinity; harmony; correspondence.
В словаре Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 1995 года (http://www.ldoceonline.com/) представлено следующее толкование:
friendship: W3
1. [countable] a relationship between friends;
W32. [uncountable] the feelings and behaviour that exist between friends.
friend [countable]:
1. a person you like, someone who you know and like very much and enjoy spending time;
2. a supporter, someone who supports an organization such as a theatre, art gallery, charity etc by giving money or help;
3. not enemy, someone who has the same beliefs, wants to achieve the same things etc as you, and will support you;
4. parliament/court of law (British English)
a) my honourable friend used by a member of parliament when speaking about another member of parliament
b) my learned friend used by a lawyer when speaking about another lawyer in a court of law.
В Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary (http://dictionary.cambridge.org/) 2003 года издания мы находим такое определение:
friend (companion) noun [C]
1 a person whom you know well and whom you like a lot, but who is usually not a member of your family:
2 someone who is not an enemy and whom you can trust:
3 someone who gives money to a theatre, other arts organization or charity in order to support it:
friendship noun [C or U]
when two people are friends.
Таким образом, на основании анализа словарных дефиниций лексикографических источников становится очевидно, что актуальный слой концепта «Friendship» включает следующие клмпоненты:
-Дружба – это привязанность к какому-либо человеку, основанная на близком знакомстве с ним и оценке его положительных качеств;
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