Косвенные речевые акты в современном английском языке
| Категория реферата: Топики по английскому языку
| Теги реферата: реферат эволюция, реферат на тему работа курсовые работы
| Добавил(а) на сайт: Silujan.
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Understanding of indirect speech acts is not a man’s inborn ability. Younger children whose communicational skills are not yet well developed perceive only one illocutionary force of a speech act, the one deducible from the syntactic form of an utterance. For instance, once my four-year-old son was carrying home a paintbrush I just bought for him. On our way home he often dropped it. I said: “You let your brush fall a hundred times!” meaning a directive: “Be more careful!” The boy, however, took my words literally and replied: “Of course not, mom. I dropped it only six times!”
Here is another example of communicational immaturity. A
boy of seven phones to his mother’s office:
- I’d like to speak to Mrs. Jones, please.
- She is out. Please call back in a few minutes.
- OK.
The boy reacted to the utterance “Please call back in a few minutes” as to a request while the communicative situation required answering “Thank you” (for advice) instead of “OK”.
If the hearer does not recognize the speaker’s
communicative intentions, a communicative failure will follow.
For example, asking, “Where is the department store?” one may
hear: “The department store is closed” in a situation when one
needs the department store as an orienting point.
Quite often a question is understood as a reproach, e.g.
- Why didn’t you invite him?
- Invite him yourself if you want to.
- I do not want to invite him. I am just asking.
Surprise can be taken for distrust:
- Does it really cost that much?
- Don’t you believe me?
Sociolinguistic research shows that everywhere in the civilized world women tend to use more indirect speech acts than men. Educated people, regardless of their sex, prefer indirect speech acts to direct ones. Correct understanding of indirect speech acts by an adult is an index of his or her sanity [9,90].
On balance, the question How to do things with words?
cannot be answered easily and unambiguously: just build your
utterance in accordance with certain rules or use one of the
“moulds”, and you will avoid a communication failure.
A chasm of incomplete understanding always separates
communicants, even most intimate ones, and indirect speech acts
often make it deeper. Yet, only words can bridge the chasm
conducting the thought from one shore to the other. Every time
the bridge is to be built from scratch, and choosing linguistic
means, the interactants must take into account the distance, the
“weather” conditions, the previous mistakes, both their own and
other people’s, and “the weight” of the thought to be conveyed.
Finally, the thought is worded and set off, but we can only guess
what awaits it on the other shore. We are helpless there, and our
thought is now in the hearer’s power.
Correspondence between the syntactic form of an utterance and its pragmatic function is not always 1:1. The same syntactic form can express various communicative intentions. On the other hand, to express a communicative intention we can use a variety of linguistic means. Therefore, in speech there are many constructions used to express not the meaning fixed by the system of language, but a secondary meaning that is conventional or appears in a particular context. Speech acts made up by means of such constructions are indirect. In indirect speech acts, the speaker conveys the non-literal as well as the literal meaning, and an apparently simple utterance may, in its implications, count for much more. Hence, it is very important to study not only the structure of a grammatical or lexical unit and its meaning in the system of language, but also the pragmatic context shaping its functioning in communication.
A number of theories try to explain why we generate indirect speech acts and how we discover them in each other’s speech. The inference theory brought forward by John Searle claims that we first perceive the literal meaning of the utterance and find some indication that the literal meaning is inadequate. Having done that, we derive the relevant indirect force from the literal meaning and context.
Another line of explanation developed by Jerrold Sadock is that indirect speech acts are expressions based on an idiomatic meaning added to their literal meaning.
Jerry Morgan writes about two types of convention in indirect speech acts: conventions of language and conventions of usage. Conventions of usage express what Morgan calls "short- circuited implicatures": implicatures that once were motivated by explicit reasoning but which now do not have to be calculated explicitly anymore.
According to the relevance theory developed by Sperber and
Wilson, the process of interpretation of direct speech acts does
not at all differ from the process of interpretation of indirect
speech acts. Furthermore, it is literal utterances that are often
marked and sound less natural than utterances with indirect
Speech act theories have treated illocutionary acts as the products of single utterances based on single sentences with only one illocutionary point - thus becoming a pragmatic extension to sentence grammars. The contribution of the illocutions of individual utterances to the understanding of topics and episodes is not yet well documented.
Pragmatic research reveals that the main types of indirect speech acts are found in all natural languages. Yet, some indirect speech acts are specific for a group of languages or even for a particular language. Conventional indirect speech acts must always be taken into account when learning a foreign language. They often make the communicative center of utterances and sound much more natural than direct speech acts.
Indirect speech acts are widely used in everyday speech, in
fiction, and in publicistic works because they influence the
quality of argumentation and amplify the impact upon the hearer’s
emotions. Indirect speech acts are the driving force of
advertisements whose illocutionary point is always a directive:
"Buy it now!"
It has been found that indirect expressives, directives and representatives compose the most numerous group of indirect speech acts in modern English discourse.
The use of indirect speech acts in discourse has been
studied by a number of linguists, cognitive scientists, and
philosophers, including Searle [18], [19], [43], [44], [45];
Grice [4], [30]; Ballmer [23]; Kreckel [34]; Clark [27];
Partridge [40], Cohen [28], Pocheptsov [13], Romanov [16].
Yet, the research of indirect speech acts is still far from being
Робота присвячена непрямим мовленнєвим актам у сучасному англійському дискурсі. Непрямі мовленнєві акти – це мовленнєві дії, що здійснюються за допомогою висловлювань, які мають дві іллокутивні сили, тобто мовець має на увазі одночасно і пряме значення висловлювання, і щось більше. Типові приклади непрямих мовленнєвих актів – це ввічливі прохання у вигляді запитань або твердження у вигляді запитань (риторичні питання). Непрямі мовленнєві акти привутні в усіх мовах, проте в кожній мові вони мають свої особливості.
Розділи 1 - 4 є теоретичними. У них розкривається сутність непрямих мовленнєвих актів, розглядаються причини їхньої широкої поширеності в мовленні на прикладі англійського дискурса, аналізуються існуючі теорії, що пояснюють механізм розуміння співрозмовниками непрямих мовленнєвих актів, з'ясовується внесок іллокутивної сили окремих висловлювань у процес розуміння усього дискурса.
Розділи 5 - 7 мають практичний характер. У них порівнюються
конвенціональні непрямі мовленнєві акти англійської й
української мов, що використовуються в типових ситуаціях
спілкування; наводяться приклади непрямих мовленнєвих актів в
творах сучасних британських і американських авторів, газетах, рекламних роликах; доводиться, що розуміння людиною непрямих
мовленнєвих актів є мірилом його комунікативної зрілості.
Особливо підкреслюється, що оскільки непрямі мовленнєві акти
грають істотну роль у мовному впливі на співрозмовника, в етиці, у повсякденному спілкуванні і носять конкретномовний характер, їх
необхідно враховувати при вивченні іноземних мов.
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