Сохранение национальной окраски при переводе художественных произведений
| Категория реферата: Топики по английскому языку
| Теги реферата: шпоры по философии, курсовик
| Добавил(а) на сайт: Schastlivcev.
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4. Зато он охотно играл в винт.
But he played vint.
Here the national Russian game preserved its national coloring in the translation.
Now the author of this course paper analyses the non-preservation of
national coloring.
1. За ним шагает городовой с решетом.
After him constable carried a sieve.
Here the Russian rank городовой does not preserve its national coloring in the English translation because городовой is lower rank in the city police in tsarist Russia and English constable is only a policemen.
2. Я ему покажу Кузькину мать!
I’ll show him what’s what!
Here the non-preservation of Russian coloring is clearly seen. The phrase показать Кузькину мать is very often used in the Russian language even now.
3. Сердиться, шельма…
The little rascal’s angry.
Here the Russian word шельма is translated as little rascal. Шельма in Russian means rascal but in English even using word little the coloring is not completely conveyed because here Chekhov uses this word to show Ochumelov’s tenderness towards this dog and he does not offence it.
4. Он цигаркой ей в харю…
He burned the end of his nose with lifted cigarette.
Here the Russian word цигарка is translated into English as lifted cigarette. Yes, цигарка is lifted cigarette but in the English translation the Russian historical and national coloring of this word is lost because now, for example, the word цигарка is not used any more but it is quite understandable for Russoan reader.
5. Цуцик этакий!
What a pup!
Pup in English is only a small little dog but in Russian цуцик besides these meaning also has a meaning of a person who feels cold and is affreid. So it is clearly seen that the national coloring was not preserved.
6. В губернском городе.
In a town.
Here is clearly seen the absence of the word губернский so the national coloring is not preserved and the author of this course paper thinks that the translator should explain the meaning of the word.
7. С полверсты он прошёл пешком.
The last part he went on foot.
Here the Russian measure of length верста is not translated at all. The author of this course paper thinks that the translator should use this word in the English translation and give its meaning in the footnote.
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