Теория социального обмена и бихевиористская социология: Джордж Хоманс и Питер Блау
| Категория реферата: Рефераты по философии
| Теги реферата: куплю диплом, диплом государственного образца
| Добавил(а) на сайт: Feliks.
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17. Emerson R. M. Exchange theory. Pt II: Exchange relations and networks // Sociological theories in progress / Ed. J. Berger et al. Boston, 1972. V. 2.
18. Emerson R. M. Social exchange theory // Annual Review of Sociology / Ed. A. Inkeles et al. Palo Alto, 1976. V. 2.
19. Emerson R. M. Social exchange theory // Social psychology: Social perspectives / Ed. M. Rosenberg, R. H. Turner. N.Y., 1981.
20. Goods W. J. A theory of role strain // Amer. Sociol. Rev. 1960. V. 25.
21. Goode W. J. The celebration of Jieroes: prestige as a social controle system. Berkeley, 1978.
22. Gouldner A. The norm of. reciprocity // Amer. Sociol. Rev. 1960. V. 25.
23. Hamblin R. L, Kunkel J. H. Behavioral theory in sociology. New Brunswick (N.J.), 1977.
24. Homans G. C. Social behavior: Its elementary forms. N.Y., 1961.
25. Homans G. C. Sentiments and activities. N.Y., 1962.
26. Homans G. C. The nature of social sciences. N.Y., 1967.
27. Homans G. C. The sociological relevance of behaviorism // Behavioral sociology / Ed. R. Burgess, D. Bushell. N.Y., 1969.
28. Homans G. C. Commentary // Institutions and social ex change/ Ed. H.Turk, R. Simpson. Indianapolis, 1971.
29. Romans G. С. Social behavior : Its elementary forms. N.Y., 1974.
30. Homans G. C. Coming to my senses: The autobiography of a sociologist. New Brunswick (N.J.), 1984.
31. Homans G. C., Schneider D. M. Marriage, authority and final cause: A story of unilateral cross-cousin marriage. N.Y., 1955.
32. Knox J. The concept of exchange in sociological theory, 1884 and 1961 // Social Forces. 1963. V. 41.
33. Levi-Strauss C. Les structures elementaires de la parente. P., 1949.
34. Marsden P. V. Elements of interactor dependence // Social exchange theory / Ed. K.S.Cook. Beverly Hills (Calif.), 1988.
35. McPhail C. The problems and prospects of behavioral per spectives // Amer. Sociol. 1981. V. 16.
36. Meeker B. F Decisions and exchange // Amer. Sociol. Rev. 1971. V. 36.
37. Merton R. K. Manifest and latent functions // Social Theory and Social Structure, 1949—1968. N.Y., 1988.
38. Michaels J. W.,Green D. S. Behavioral sociology: Emergent forms and issues // Amer. Sociol. 1978. V. 13.
39. Mitchell J. N. Social exchange, dramaturgy and ethnometho- dology: Toward a paradigmatic synthesis. N.Y., 1978.
40. Molm L. D. The legitimacy of behavioral theory as a socio logical perspective // Amer. Sociol. 1981. V. 16.
41. Molm L. D., Wiggins I. A. A behavioral analysis of the dy namics of social exchange in the dyad// Social Forces, 1979. V. 57.
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