Инструмент OLE
| Категория реферата: Рефераты по информатике, программированию
| Теги реферата: понятие культуры, сочинение рассказ
| Добавил(а) на сайт: Ljagushkin.
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If an index order is set, records are copied in master index order.
The name of the new file to which COPY TO copies data is specified with
. If you do not include an extension with the file name, the default
extension for the specified file type is assigned. If you do not specify a
file type, COPY TO creates a new table/.DBF and assigns the table/.DBF file
name the default extension .DBF.
If you include FIELDS and a field list, you can specify which fields are copied to the new file. If the FIELDS clause is omitted, all fields are copied to the file. If the file you are creating is not a database, memo fields aren't copied to the new file even if memo field names are included in the field list.
The scope clauses are: ALL, NEXT , RECORD , and REST. These
are explained in the Overview of the FoxPro Language chapter in the FoxPro
Language Reference. Commands which include operate only on the
table/.DBF in the active work area.
You can specify a scope of records copied to a file. Only the records that
fall within the range of records specified by the scope are copied.
The default scope for COPY TO is ALL records.
If the FOR clause is included, only the records for which the
logical condition evaluates to true (.T.) are copied to the file.
Include FOR to conditionally copy records, filtering out undesired
Rushmore optimizes COPY TO with a FOR clause if is an
optimizable expression. For best performance, use an optimizable
expression in the FOR clause. A discussion of Rushmore optimizable
expressions appears in the Optimizing Your Application chapter in the
FoxPro Developer's Guide.
If WHILE is included, records are copied as long as the logical expression evaluates to true (.T.).
If the table/.DBF you copy from has a structural index file, you can create
a structural index file for the new table/.DBF. Including CDX or
PRODUCTION creates an identical structural index file for the new
table/.DBF. The tags and index expressions from the original structural
index file are copied to the new structural index file. The CDX and
PRODUCTION clauses have the same effect.
Do not include CDX or PRODUCTION if you are copying to a file other than a
new FoxPro table/.DBF.
Include NOOPTIMIZE to cause Rushmore to not optimize COPY TO. For more
information, see SET OPTIMIZE or consult the discussion of Rushmore
optimization in the Optimizing Your Application chapter in the FoxPro
Developer's Guide.
If the file you are creating isn't a FoxPro table/.DBF, you must specify its file type. Although you must specify a file type, you need not include the key word TYPE. You can create a wide variety of different file types including DELIMITED ASCII text files in which you can specify a field delimiter.
FoxPro memo files have a different structure than FoxBASE+ memo files. If your source FoxPro table/.DBF contains a memo field, include the FOXPLUS clause to create a table/.DBF that can be used in FoxBASE+. The FoxPro memo field cannot contain binary data because FoxBASE+ does not support binary data in memo fields.
An SDF (System Data Format) file is an ASCII text file in which records have a fixed length and end with a carriage return and line feed. Fields aren't delimited. The SDF file name is assigned a .TXT file extension if you do not include an extension.
A SYLK file is a Symbolic Link interchange format (used in Microsoft
MultiPlan) in which fields from the FoxPro table/.DBF become columns in the
spreadsheet and records become rows. SYLK file names have no extension.
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