Австронезийские языки
| Категория реферата: Рефераты по культуре и искусству
| Теги реферата: выборочное изложение, решебник по 5
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Dempwolff O. Die L-, R- und D-Laute in austronesischen Sprachen. - Zeitschrift fur Eingeborenen Sprachen, 1924-1925, Jg. 15.
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Dyen I. A lexicostatistical classification of the Austronesian languages. Baltimore, 1965.
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Ferrell R. Paiwan phonology and Proto-Austonesian doublets. - SICAL Proc., 1978.
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Hudson A.B. The Barito isolects of Borneo: a classification based on comparative reconstruction and lexicostatistics. Ithaca - New York, 1967.
Humboldt W. von. Ueber die Kawi-Sprache auf der Insel Java. Bd. 1-3. Berlin, 1836-1839.
Kern H.A. De Figji-taal vergeleken met hare verwanten in Indonesie en Polynesie. Amsterdam, 1886-1.
Kern H.A. Klankverwisselingen in de MAleisch-Polynesische talen. Amsterdam, 1886-2.
Latham R.G. On general affinities of the languages of the Oceanic Blacks. - In: Jukes J.B. Narrative of the sutveying voyage of H.M.S. Fly. London, 1847.
Mills R.F. The reconstruction of Proto South Sulawesi. - Archipel, Paris, 1975, N 10.
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Ray S.H. A comparative study of the Melanesian island languages. Cambridge, 1926.
Reid L.A. Problems in the reconstruction of Proto-Philippine construction markers. - SICAL Proc., 1978.
Reland H. Hadriani Relandi Dissertationum Miscellanearum pars tertia et ultima. Dissertatio de linguis Insularum quarundam Orientalium. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1708.
Sirk U. Problems og high-level subgrouping in Austronesian. - SICAL Proc., 1978.
Sirk U. The South Sulawesi group and neighbouring languages. - In: XIV Pacific Science Congress. Committee L. Abstracts of Papers, vol. 2. Moscow, 1979.
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