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| Теги реферата: изложение русский язык 6 класс, сочинение рассказ
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21. Kettlewell H. B. D. Selection experiments on industrial melanism in the Lepidoptera, Heredity, 10, 14—22 (1956).
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29. Maynard Smith J. Evolution and the Theory of Games, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1982.
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41. Turner J. R. G. Why does the genome not congeal? Evolution, 21, 645— 656 (1967).
42. Williams G. C. Sex and Evolution, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1975.
43. Wilson D. S. The Natural Selection of Populations and Communities, Benjamin/Cummings, Menlo Park, California, 1980.
44. Wilson E. 0. Sociobiology: the New Synthesis, Harvard University Press, Harvard, 1975.
45. Wison E. 0., Bossert W. H. A Primer of Population Biology, Sinauer Associates, Stanford, Connecticut, 1971.
Глава 4
1. Alberch P. Ontogenesis and morphological diversification, American Zoologist, 20, 653—667 (1980).
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4. Dobzhansky T. Genetics and the Origin of Species, Columbia University Press, New York, 1937.
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6. Gould S. /. Ontogeny and Phylogeny, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1977.
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Глава 5
1. Bus/i G. L. Modes of animal speciation, Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst., 6, 339—364 (1975).
2. Cronin /. E., Boaz N. Т., Stringer С. В., Rak Y. Tempo and mode in homi-nid evolution, Nature, 292, 113—122 (1981).
3. De Vries H. Species and Varieties. Their Origin by Mutation, The Open Court, Chicago, 1905.
4. Dobzhansky T. Genetics and the Origin of Species, Columbia University Press, New York, 1937.
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7. Hennig W, Phylogenetic Systematics, 2nd edn., University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1979.
8. Huxley /. S. Evolution, the Modern Synthesis, Alien and Unwin, London, 1942.
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