Единство и многообразие культур
| Категория реферата: Рефераты по социологии
| Теги реферата: диплом образец, бесплатные дипломные работы
| Добавил(а) на сайт: Tolkachjov.
Предыдущая страница реферата | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Levi-Strauss C., Race et histoire, Paris, 1961;
Levy-Bruhl L., Primitive Mentality, Boston, 1966;
Malinowski B., Magic, Science and Religion, New York, 1954;
Marcu·s G. and Fishe·r M., Anthropology as Cultural Critique, Chicago, 1986;
Morris B., Anthropological Studies of Religion. An Introductory Text, Cambridge, 1987;
Murdock G.P., Ethnographic Atlas, Pittsburgh, 1967;
Radcliffe-Brow·n A., Structure and Function in Primitive Society, Glencee, 1952;
Rappapor·t R., Pigs for the Ancestors, New Haven, 1984; его ж·е, Ecology, Meaning and Religion, Richmond, 1979;
Rosman A., Rubel P., The Tapestry of Culture. An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, New York, 1995;
Sahlin·s M., Culture and Practical Reason, Chicago, 1976;
Smith R.W., The Religion of the Semites: the Fundamental Institutions, New York, 1972;
Spiro M.E., Religion: Problems of Definition and Explanation, In Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Religion, London, 1966;
Stokin·gG., Race, Culture and Evolution: Essays in the History of Anthropology, New York, 1968;
Strather·n M., Reproducing the Future: Essays on Antropology, Kinship and the New Reproductive Technologies, Manchester, 1992;
Taussi·g M., Shamanism, Colonialism and the Wild Man: A Study in Terror and Healing Chicago, 1987;
Tishko·v V., Ethnicity, Nationalism and conflict in and after the Soviet Union, London, 1997;
Trigger B., The Determinants of Settlement Patterns, In Settlement Archaeology. K.C. Chang, Palo Alto, 1968;
Van den Berghe P., Race and Racism: A Comparative Perspective, New York, 1967;
Van Gennep A., The Rites of Passage, London, 1960;
Wachtel N., L'acculturation. Dans Faire de l'histoire, Paris, 1974;
Wallace A., Religion. An Anthropological View, New York, 1966;
Weber M., Economy and Society, New York, 1968; его ж·е, The Sociology of Religion, London, 1965;
Winthrop R.H., Dictionary of Concepts in Cultural Anthropology, New York, 1991.
В.А. ТИШКОВ, главный редактор.
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