Going public and the dividend policy of the company
| Категория реферата: Топики по английскому языку
| Теги реферата: конспект по математике, 7 ответов
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Other restrictions The company’s articles association may limit the
payment of dividends or a lender by insert into a loan agreement to
restrict the level of dividends. A company’s dividend policy cannot be so
outrageously different from policies followed by similar companies in the
same industry; otherwise the market price of its shares could fall.
Dividends may be restricted by government prices and incomes polices.
4. Alternatives to Cash Dividends
In recent years companies have introduced more flexibility into their
dividend policy by either:
. issuing shares in place of cash dividends (‘scrip’ dividend);
. repurchasing their shares.
Script dividends Companies may give their shareholders the option to receive shares rather than cash. This has the effect of maintaining company liquidity, and enabling the company to increase earnings by investing the retained cash. However company has to pay ACT on the distribution, and the shareholders have to pay income tax.
Thus, the shareholders can increase his investment in the company, without expense associated with the public issue or a purchase on a stock market, but the same time retain the option to convert his shares into cash at a future date.
Repurchasing shares Since 1981 companies have been allowed to purchase their own shares subject to certain restrictions, and the prior authorization of their shareholders. This is normally done by utilizing distributable profits, and the shares must be cancelled after purchasing.
Repurchasing of shares may be carried out for any of the following
. to repay surplus cash to shareholders;
. to increase gearing by reducing equity capital;
. to increase EPS by reducing the number of shares related to an unchanging level of profit, and hopefully, therefore, the value of each remaining share;
. to purchase the shares of a large shareholders.
In this report we have explored an important and long-standing issue in financial research: how do corporations finance themselves, the shares issuing in the Stock Market Exchange and dividend policy of the companies.
And the situation is that the rapidly expanding companies suffer
from the retained profit insufficiency and one of the solutions of this
financial problem is going public.
But it is not surprising that existing shareholders dig more deeply into
company’s pocket by claiming dividends. And of course the public company is
subject to more scrutiny than a private one.
Thus I think only when all other sources are exhausted your can dilute already existing shareholders’ control over the company. However corporations willingly make issues of shares and pay dividends. So how are their dividend, financial and investment policy reconciled? This question has exercised the minds of academics and financial managers in recent years without any completely satisfactory answer being produced.
1. Anjolein Schmeits, ‘Essay on Corporate Finance and Financial
Intermediation’, Thesis publishers, 1999, 225-246.
2. Geoffrey Knott, ‘Financial Management’, Creative Print and Design, Third edition, 1998,
3. Kovtun L.G., ‘English for Bankers and Brokers, Managers and Market
Specialists’, Moscow NIP“2”, 1994, 340-350.
Скачали данный реферат: Фахриев, Lebedincev, Longina, Латушкин, Illarion, Sechenov, Дейнеко, Kaloshin.
Последние просмотренные рефераты на тему: 1 ответ, менеджмент, инновационная деятельность, налоги в россии.
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