New Zealand
| Категория реферата: Топики по английскому языку
| Теги реферата: особенности реферата, отзыв на дипломную работу
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The Polynesian navigator Kupe has been credited with the discovery of New
Zealand in 950 AD. He named it Aotearoa (Land of the Long White Cloud).
Centuries later, around 1350 AD, a great migration of people from Kupe's
homeland of Hawaiki followed his navigational instructions and sailed to
New Zealand, eventually supplanting or mixing with previous residents.
Their culture, developed over centuries without any discernible outside
influence, was hierarchical and often sanguinary.
In 1642, the Dutch explorer Abel Tasman briefly sailed along the west coast
of New Zealand; any thoughts of a longer stay were thwarted when his
attempt to land resulted in several of his crew being killed and eaten. In
1769, Captain James Cook circumnavigated the two main islands aboard the
Endeavour. Initial contact with the Maoris also proved violent but Cook, impressed with the Maoris' bravery and spirit and recognising the potential
of this newfound land, grabbed it for the British crown before setting sail
for Australia.
When the British began their antipodean colonising, New Zealand was
originally seen as an offshoot of Australian enterprise in whaling and
sealing: in fact, from 1839 to 1841 the country was under the jurisdiction
of New South Wales. However, increased European settlement soon proved
problematic: a policy was urgently required regarding land deals between
the settlers (Pakeha) and the Maori. In 1840, the Treaty of Waitangi was
signed, with the Maori ceding sovereignty of their country to Britain in
exchange for protection and guaranteed possession of their lands. But
relations between the Maori and Pakeha soon soured (the Maoris became
increasingly alarmed at the effect the Pakeha had on their society while
the Pakeha rode roughshod over Maori rights outlined in the treaty). In
1860, war broke out between them, continuing for much of the decade before
the Maori were defeated.
By the late 19th century, things had temporarily calmed down. The discovery
of gold had engendered much prosperity, and wide-scale sheep farming meant
New Zealand became an efficient and mostly self-reliant country. Sweeping
social changes - women's suffrage, social security, the encouragement of
trade unions and the introduction of child care services - cemented New
Zealand's reputation as a country committed to egalitarian reform.
New Zealand was given dominion status in the British Empire in 1907 and
granted autonomy by Britain in 1931; independence, however, was not
formally proclaimed until 1947. The economy continued to prosper until the
worldwide recession in the 1980s, when unemployment rose dramatically.
Today the economy has stabilised, thanks largely to an export-driven
recovery. Internationally, New Zealand was hailed during the mid-1980s for
its anti-nuclear stance - even though it meant a falling-out with the USA -
and its opposition to French nuclear testing in the Pacific (which France
countered, to much opprobrium but little penalty, by blowing up the
Greenpeace vessel Rainbow Warrior as it sat in Auckland Harbour).
The Maori population is now increasing faster than the Pakeha and a
resurgence in Maoritanga (Maori culture) has had a major and lasting impact
on New Zealand society. Culturally, the most heartening aspect had been the
mending of relations between the Maori and Pakeha (in 1985, the Treaty of
Waitangi was overhauled, leading to financial reparations to a number of
Maori tribes whose land had been unjustly confiscated). However, a recent
clumsy take-it-or-leave-it attempt by the New Zealand government to offer
financial reparations has resulted in an upsurge of militant Maori
protests. Maoris have disrupted events, occupied land claim areas, set up
roadblocks and threatened to blow-up the New Zealand parliament. The
disharmony has shocked New Zealanders and placed national conciliation at
the top of the political agenda.
26,000,000 B.C.
Southern alps rise above the ocean.
700 A.D.
Possible early settlement on the South Island by an archaic Maori population originating in Polynesia.
Date of discovery of New Zealand by Polynesian navigator Kupe according to
Maori legend. Islands named Aotearoa, "Land of the Long White Cloud".
Settlement of the North Island.
13 and 14C
"Great Migration" from the Society Islands. Dwindling moa population.
Warrior society established.
Dutch explorer Abel Tasman discovers west coast of the South Island. Dutch
name the country "Nieuw Zeeland" after the Dutch island province of
Captain James Cook circumnavigates and charts both islands, taking
possession of "New Zealand" for Britain.
First European settlement (in the Bay of Islands).
Intertribal wars abate due to introduction of musket and wholesale slaughter.
Treaty of Waitangi signed. Maoris cede sovereignty to Britain, obtain guarantees of land ownership and "rights and privileges of British subjects."
"Wool period" with importation of sheep from Australia. Also a period of war and conflict over land ownership.
Refrigerated ships introduced. Farmers turn to meat and dairy production.
New Zealand becomes the first country in the world to give women the vote.
Independence from UK.
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