New Zealand
| Категория реферата: Топики по английскому языку
| Теги реферата: особенности реферата, отзыв на дипломную работу
| Добавил(а) на сайт: Поздов.
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One of every three men between 20 and 40 killed or wounded fighting for
Britain in World War I.
New Zealand sends troops to fight for the Allies in Europe.
Threatened by Japan, defended by United States Navy (eventually led to
ANZUS pact in 1951, a defensive alliance with the U.S. and Australia).
New Zealand becomes independent by adopting Statue of Westminster.
Britain joins European Economic Community and adopts their trade barriers to New Zealand's agricultural products. Combined with high oil prices, this was enough to devastate the economy.
Robert Muldoon's National Party expands welfare state and government
interventionism, running huge budget deficits financed with overseas money.
High inflation and unemployment cause massive emigration to Australia.
Treaty of Waitangui Act passed to settle Maori land claimson the basis of original treaty.
New Labour government eliminates agricultural subsidies and wage and price controls, lowers tax rates, begins a radical program of privatization.
The bombing of the Rainbow Warrior from Greenpeace in Auckland by French secret service agents. One man was killed (Fernando Pereira).
Since 1984 the government has been reorienting an agrarian economy
dependent on a guaranteed British market to an open free market economy
that can compete on the global scene. The government had hoped that dynamic
growth would boost real incomes, reduce inflationary pressures, and permit
the expansion of welfare benefits. The results have been mixed: inflation
is down from double-digit levels, but growth has been sluggish and
unemployment, always a highly sensitive issue, has exceeded 10% since May
1991. In 1988, GDP fell by 1%, in 1989 grew by a moderate 2.4%, and was
flat in 1990-91. Current (1994) growth is around 2-4% and rising.
The economy is based on agriculture (particularly dairy products, meat, and
wool (68 m sheep, 2 m dairy cows)), food processing, wood and paper
products, textiles, machinery, transportation equipment, banking and
insurance, tourism, mining. Fish catch reached a record 0.5 m tonnes in
1988. Highly dependent on external trade, New Zealand is currently trying
to move from being a primary to a secondary producer.
Decimal system based on New Zealand dollar, with cent denominations. Coins
are 5, 10, 20, and 50 cents, 1 and 2 dollars. Notes are 5, 10, 20, 50, and
100 dollars. Major credit cards are accepted widely.
Same as overseas.
Interest Rates
Fluctuating between 6 and 8% depending on overseas markets.
New Zealand operates a Goods and Services Tax of 12.5 per cent on ALL goods
and services sold and this is usually included in the display price. The
exceptions are purchases at duty free shops. Visitors cannot claim refunds
on this tax however when a supplier agrees to export a major item to a
visitors home address then GST will not be charged on the goods or the
Income tax 24% on first $30,874/year, 33% for every $ above this. There are
various rebates for things like low incomes, children, donations,
Housekeeper, Home/Farm/Vessel Ownbership, and others.
|Government Revenue Source|How it was expected to be |
|(1990) |spent (1990) |
|Income Tax |$16,95|Education |$3,912.|
|Gost and Service |0 |Health |5 |
|Tax |$5,500|Transport |$3,791.|
|Other Direct | |Administration |1 |
|Taxes |$360 |Development of |$711.6 |
|Excise Duties |$1,670|Industry |$2,769.|
|Highway tax | |Government |0 |
|Other Indirect |$670 |Borrowing |$1,231.|
|Tax |$790 |Foreign Relations |3 |
| | |Social Services |$575.1 |
| | | |$1,733.|
| | | |7 |
| | | |$10,292|
| | | |.1 |
|Total |$25,94|Total |$25,016|
| |0 | |.4 |
Life in General
Business Hours
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