Налоговая система Нидерландов
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Причины, побудившие меня к написанию доклада относительно голландского налогообложения, весьма просты. Я побывал в Голландии, где имел ряд контактов «коллегами» родственной специальности и от них услышал о весьма тяжелом бремени налогов, воочию же было видно лишь повсеместное процветание и социальная защищенность. Такой феномен не мог не заинтересовать, и тема доклада вполне закономерна.
1. Организационная структура.
Верховным органом, принимающим и дополняющим налоговое
законодательство, являются Генеральные штаты, законодательный аналог
Верховной Рады. Генеральные штаты, точнее представители 2-3 самых крупных
партий, победивших на выборах, формируют Кабинет Министров. Отличительной
особенностью голландского способа управления налоговой ситуацией является
то, что органы контроля и регулирования входят в структуру Министерства
Финансов. Существует 2 департамента – Генеральный директорат по налогам, таможенной политике и законодательному обеспечению, а так же Генеральный
директорат по налоговому и таможенному администрированию.
Первый из выше упомянутых департаментов занимается корректировкой процесса налогообложения, например, при неэффективности некоего налога подает аналитический доклад в Генеральные штаты с пропозицией изменить, отменить, ограничить действие какого-либо пункта в законодательстве, также директорат участвует в фискальной части составления бюджета.
Генеральный директорат по налоговому и таможенному администрированию непосредственно следит за выполнением налогового законодательства, собирает перечисленные средства, решает конфликты на почве налогообложения, принимает меры в случае нарушений налогового законодательства.
Если провести аналогию с нашей ситуацией первый Директорат соответствует Комитету по налогообложению и налоговой политике в нашей ВР, а Генеральный директорат по налоговому и таможенному администрированию может быть соотнесен со структурами ГНАУ.
2. Общая информация о налогах, присутствующих в системе налогообложения
* Категория налогов на прибыль, доход и чистое богатство(taxes on income, profits and net wealth)
Income tax.
Income tax is a tax on a person's natural annual income. It is levied at a
progressive rate. Personal circumstances are taken into account when making
the assessment of the amount of tax to be paid, and certain expenses are
tax-deductible. The scheme provides for a personal allowance, the amount of
which is dependent on the individual circumstances. There are four tax
rates, 33.90%, 37.95%, 50% and 60%. The first two rates include both tax
and social security contributions; the last two rates consist solely of
Salaries tax
Income tax has two advance levies, which are a salaries tax, and a dividend
tax. The salaries tax and the social security contributions are levied
jointly on earned income or benefits. The employer or body paying the
benefit deducts the tax and contributions directly from the salary or
benefit, and pays these to the Tax Department. Many natural persons pay
only salaries tax, and are not subject to income tax. For natural persons
with a high income or many tax-deductible items, the salaries tax serves as
an advance levy, and they are subsequently issued with an income tax return
and an assessment.
Dividend tax
The other second advance levy for income tax is the dividend tax. The
corporation paying the dividend withholds dividend tax at a rate of 25% and
pays the tax to the Tax Department. Shareholders are liable for income tax
on the gross dividend they receive. An amount of this dividend is exempted
from income tax, NLG 1,000 for single persons and NLG 2,000 for married
persons. For non-residents the dividend tax levied on a dividend is in
principle a final levy. Tax conventions generally provide for a lower rate
than the 25% mentioned above.
Corporation tax
Corporation tax is levied on the taxable profit of both private and public
companies. Foundations (in Dutch 'stichtingen') may also be liable for
corporation tax. An important feature of the corporation tax is the
participation exemption, which ensures that corporation tax is levied only
once on the profit obtained within a group. This means that a company
receiving dividends does not have to pay corporation tax on these dividends
since the tax has already been paid by the company distributing the
dividends. Corporation tax is levied at a rate of 35%. The first NLG 50,000
taxable profit is levied at a rate of 30%.
Wealth tax
Wealth tax is levied on a natural person's total net wealth. The net wealth
is the value of the assets less any liabilities. In principle the assets
include all property and possessions, for example the person's own home, shares, bonds and savings, together with the capital invested in the
person's own business. There are several personal allowances and
exemptions. For instance the personal allowance for married couples is NLG
250,000. The tax rate is 0.7%.
Inheritance tax
The Inheritance Tax Act has two forms of tax, which are inheritance tax and
gift tax. These taxes are, in general, to be paid by the recipient. There
are substantial exemptions from both inheritance tax and gift tax. There
are no exemptions from inheritance tax payable upon the inheritance or
donation of specific assets, for example property. The rates are the same
for these taxes, and depend on the value of the assets that have been
received and the relationship between the giver and the recipient. There is
a minimum and maximum rate.
Tax on games of chance
The tax on games of chance is levied on prizes that exceed NLG 1,000. The
rate is 25%. The organisation awarding the prize generally pays the tax, and the winner receives a net prize.
* Категория налогов и пошлин на товары и услуги(taxes and duties on goods and services)
Import duty.
Import duty is levied on imported goods. This usually amounts to a
percentage of the value of the goods being imported. Various rates are
applicable, which are determined by the EU. The rates are usually lower for
minerals or raw materials, and higher for finished products. Import duty is
levied on goods, which are imported from countries outside the EU. The
revenue is destined for the EU.
Value added tax
Value added tax (VAT) is a general consumer tax included in the price
consumers pay for goods and services. Consumers pay this tax indirectly, and companies remit the tax to the Tax Department. All companies pay VAT, although there are a few exceptions. The VAT paid by one company to another
may be reclaimed from the VAT to be paid to the Tax and Customs
Administration. There are three rates for VAT:
. a general rate of 17.5%;
. a lower rate of 6%, applicable mainly to food and medicines;
. a zero rate, applicable mainly to goods and services in international trade, so that goods can be exported free from VAT.
Excise duty
Excise duty is levied on certain consumer goods, i.e. petrol and other
mineral oils, tobacco products, and alcohol and alcoholic beverages. A
special consumer tax is levied on non-alcoholic beverages. Excise duty, like VAT, is included in the price consumers pay for these goods. The tax
is remitted by the manufacturers and importers of the goods liable to
excise duty.
Taxes on legal transactions
Three taxes on legal transactions are levied in the Netherlands. These are
transfer tax, insurance tax and capital duty. Transfer tax is levied on the
acquisition of property located in the Netherlands. The rate is 6% of the
market value of the property. Insurance tax is levied on insurance premiums
at a rate of 7%. The following insurances are exempted from insurance tax:
life insurance, accident insurance, invalidity insurance, disablement
insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance and transport
insurance. Capital duty is levied when capital is contributed to companies
located in the Netherlands when the capital is comprised of shares. The
rate is 0.9% and the tax due is calculated on the value contributed (assets
less liabilities), or on the nominal value of the shares, whichever is
higher. In certain circumstances an exemption is made for mergers or
Motor vehicle tax
Motor vehicle tax is paid on vehicle ownership, except for buses, for which
vehicles the tax is paid for the use of the roads. The amount depends on
the type and weight (sometimes gross) of the vehicle and for private cars
also on the type of fuel the vehicle uses. Furthermore, for private cars
and motorcycles, the amount is dependent on the province in which the
person/owner is resident or the company/owner is established.
Tax on heavy vehicles
The tax on heavy vehicles (also known as the eurovignette) is a tax on
vehicles with a gross weight of maximum 12.000 kg or more. It is levied for
the use of motorways in the Netherlands. The tax has to be paid before the
vehicle uses the motorway. There are two rates of tax, which are based on
the number of axles of the vehicle; one rate is for three axles or less, the other for four axles or more. The tax can be paid daily, weekly, monthly or annually. A similar tax, based on a directive of the European
Union and a Treaty, is levied in Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Luxembourg and
Tax on private cars and motorcycles
The tax is included in the price paid by the buyer on the purchase of a
private car or motorcycle. It is usually paid by the manufacturer or
importer. The tax is dependent on the net listed value of the private car
or motorcycle. The minimum tax rate is 10% of the net listed value of the
vehicle, unless it is 25 years of age or older.
Environmental taxes
There are several environmental taxes in the Netherlands. Fuel tax is to be
paid by suppliers or users of mineral oil and other fuels. Since 1 January
1995 taxes are liable for the withdrawal of ground water and the disposal
of waste. A regulatory energy tax came into force on 1 January 1996.
3. Налог на прибыль корпораций(Corporation Tax).
3.1 Taxpayers
Corporation tax is levied on companies established in the Netherlands
(resident taxpayers) and by certain companies not established in the
Netherlands, which receive income in the Netherlands (non-resident
taxpayers). In this context the term 'company' includes corporations with a
capital consisting of shares, co-operatives, and other legal entities
conducting business. The main types of companies referred to in the
Corporation Tax Act are the public company (NV) and the private company
with limited liability (BV).
Whether a company is deemed to be established in the Netherlands depends on
the individual circumstances. Factors of relevance include the location of
the effective management, the location of the head office, and the location
of the shareholders' general meeting. Under the Corporation Tax Act all
companies incorporated under Dutch law are regarded as being established in
the Netherlands.
3.2 Tax base and rates
3.2.1. General
Corporation tax is levied on the taxable amount, which is the taxable
profits made by the company in a particular year less deductible losses.
The taxable profits are the profits less tax-deductible donations. In
principle the profits should be calculated in accordance with the
provisions laid down in the Income Tax Act to determine the business
profits of natural persons. In certain cases additional stipulations made
in the Corporation Tax Act are also applicable. Under certain conditions it
will be permitted to taxpayers to compute their taxable profit in currency
other than the guilder (the ‘functional currency’) for a period of at least
10 years.
3.2.2. Tax rates
Corporation tax is levied at a rate of 30% of taxable profits.
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