Ирландская Бригита и галльская Бригантия
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Мейе А. Введение в сравнительное изучение индоевропейских языков. М., 1938
Степанов Ю.С. Константы.Словарь русской культуры. М,1997
Bartholomae C. Altiranisches Wцrterbuch. Strassburg, 1904
Bethu Brigte. Ed. D. У hAodha. Dublin, 1978
Bernardo Stempel, P. de. Die Vertretung der indogermanischen liquiden und nasalen Sonanten im Keltischen. Innsbruck. 1987
Bray D. A.. The Image of St. Brigit in the early Irish Church.// EC 24, 1987, p. 209-215
Carmichael A. Carmina Gadelica. Vol.1. Edinburgh, 1928
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. Berlin, 1863 и сл.
Dictionary of the Irish language. Compact edition. Dublin, 1990
Gray E. Cath Maige Tuired. The seconde battle of Mag Tuired. Naas, 1982
Hamp E.P. Imbolc, уimelc //Studia celtica, 14/15, 1979/1980
Kenney J. F. The sources of the early history of Ireland: ecclesiastical. An introduction and guide. NY, 1966
McCone K. Brigit in the seventh century: a saint with three Lives? // Peritia, vol. 1, 1982
Meyer K. Sanas Cormaic edited from the copy in the Yellow Book of Lecan. Halle, 1912
Meyer K. Ьber die дlteste irische Dichtung.I. // Abhandlungen der koeniglich preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philos.-hist. Classe. Nr.6. Berlin, 1913
О'Brien M. Corpus genealogiarum Hiberniae. Dublin, vol.1. 1976
O'hOgain, Dr. Daithi. Myth, legend and romance. An encyclopaedia of the Irish folk tradion. New York; London. 1991
Olmsted G. S.The gods of the Celts and the Indo-Europeans. Budapest, 1994
Pokorny J. Die geographie Irlands bei Ptilemaios. // Zeitschrift fuer celtische Philologie 1953, Bd. 24
Ross, A. Pagan Celtic Britain. London. 1967 [1993]
Sharp R. Vitae Brigitae: the oldest texts // Peritia, vol.1, 1982
Stokes W. The seconde battle of Moytura. // Revue celtique. Vol.12, 1891
Vendryes J. Imbolc. //Revue celtique 1924, t.41, p.241-244
Vendryes J. L' unitй en trois personnes chez les Celtes. // Choix d' йtudes linguistiques et celtiques. Paris, 1952
Vendryes J. Lexique йtymologique de l' irlandais ancien. Dublin; Paris 1959
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