Council of Europe
| Категория реферата: Рефераты по праву
| Теги реферата: реферат будущее, бесплатные банки рефератов
| Добавил(а) на сайт: Юдачёв.
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The Deputies are assisted by a Bureau, Rapporteur Groups and ad hoc groups.
The Committee of Ministers performs a triple role:
- firstly as the emanation of the governments which enables them to express on equal terms their national approaches to the problems confronting Europe's societies;
- secondly as the collective forum where European responses to these challenges are worked out;
- thirdly as guardian, alongside the Parliamentary Assembly, of the values for which the Council of Europe exists; as such, it is vested with a monitoring function in respect of the commitments accepted by the member States.
The work and activities of the Committee of Ministers include :
* political dialogue
* interacting with the Parliamentary Assembly
* interacting with the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of
Europe (CLRAE)
* follow-up to respect of commitments by member States
* admission of new member States
* concluding conventions and agreements
* adopting recommendations to member States
* adopting the budget
* adopting and monitoring the Intergovernmental Programme of
* implementing cooperation and assistance programmes for central and eastern Europe
* supervising the execution of judgments of the European Convention on Human Rights by the member States
* contributing to Conferences of Specialised Ministers
The Committee of Ministers is made up of the ministers for foreign affairs of the 41 member states. It meets twice a year in ordinary sessions and may hold special or informal meetings. Its Chair changes every six months according to the member countries' alphabetical order.
The Ministers' Deputies meet at least once a month. They draw up the
Council of Europe's activities programme and adopt its budget, which today amounts to some 1 300 million French francs. It also decides what follow-up should be given to proposals of the Parliamentary Assembly, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities and the specialist ministerial conferences that the Council of Europe regularly organises.
The Parliamentary Assembly
The Parliamentary Assembly is the parliamentary organ of the Council of
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